About Us

Mattlyc Consultants Limited was incorporated in July 2013 with an initiative of trying to promote creativity in dealing with the dynamic business environment every business faces today. Having noticed how changes in the business environment can cripple an organisation, with a number of unprecedented collapses in all sector (SMEs and large firms), we believe that there is need for organisations to be creative in the way they structure and operate their business.

The effect of these changes can varies with the extent and nature of business but what remains constant is the need to develop a survival strategy to be able to deal with these issues those businesses face.

As an example companies that dealt with CDs in the music industry would have been very successful businesses in the 90s but the advent of technology that saw the introduction of digital downloads has seen a number of these firms shutting down. The same can be said about businesses that deal with printing, advertising, communication, the list is endless. It is there important that if a business is faced with such changes they can develop a strategy that can see the business stay afloat and grow.

With our experience of having worked in the developing world as well as the first world, we believe we have an understanding of different business environments and this works to our clients favour especially if there is need to look for different types of strategy. Together with our strategic partners we are able to help an organisation develop and grow the whole business as opposed to only a small section of the business.

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Mattlyc.com is a the official website for Mattlyc Consultants Limited. 1 Reedville Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 2HS  Company Number 8602503